Know the best fruit for diabetics


 Know the best fruit for diabetics

High sugar fruits

 Know the best fruit for diabetics

Fruit contains carbohydrates and a type of sugar, fructose, which can raise blood sugar levels, but fruit can still be included in the diet of a diabetic patient, as it contains a number of useful nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber that provide multiple benefits to the body.

The fruit also contains a number of phytochemicals that reduce the likelihood of developing pathological conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and some types of cancer, which benefits diabetics being one of the groups most at risk of developing these diseases as complications of diabetes.

But, not every fruit is suitable for a diabetic, so the article shows which fruits are useful for diabetics and their calorie content

The benefits of fruits for diabetics
A study was conducted on half a million adults in China from different regions between 2004 and 2008 on the effect of eating fresh fruit on diabetics and its vascular complications. The results of the study were published in 2017 in the Journal of the Public Library of Medical Sciences (English: PLOS Medicine), in which the participants underwent blood tests, physical measurements, and their health status was tracked for 7 years. 

The results of the study can be included in the following points:

The incidence of diabetes in non-diabetic patients decreased by 12% as a result of regular consumption of fruit, compared to those who did not eat fruit at all or ate it rarely.

Mortality rates among diabetics decreased by 17% as a result of eating fruit more than 3 days a week.

The incidence of diabetes complications related to large blood vessels, such as strokes and ischemic heart disease, or associated with small blood vessels, such as eye and kidney problems, and nerve infections, decreased by 13 to 28% compared to those who ate fruit less than one day a week.

The best fruit for diabetics

Doctors recommend eating fruits with dark and strong colors such as red and purple, as this rich color indicates the presence of antioxidants in high proportions, and they play an important role in resisting free radicals and reducing inflammation, examples of these fruits are blackberries, Kiwi, and cherries. 

Fiber-rich fruits are the best fruits for diabetics, as fiber reduces the speed of digestion, which prevents blood sugar from rising quickly, fiber also gives a feeling of satiety and fullness of the abdomen, prevents obesity and contributes to maintaining a healthy weight, we mention below some of the fruits that are useful for diabetics: 


Berries of all kinds, especially blueberries, are full of antioxidants and fiber, and a glass of fresh berries contains 84 calories, and 21 grams of carbohydrates, which should be included in the portion of starches for a diabetic patient.

Berries can be eaten alone or mixed with other fruits that are useful for a diabetic and then added to a glass of yogurt, as that meal represents a suitable breakfast for a diabetic. 


A cup of cherries contains 52 calories and 12.6 grams of carbohydrates, and cherries are a useful fruit to reduce inflammation and protect against a number of heart diseases and cancer because they contain antioxidants.

Cherries can be eaten canned, frozen, or fresh, although the fresh form is preferable because canned fruit contains preservatives and added sugar, which contributes to raising blood sugar.

Dried cherries without sugar are also a suitable option, but the amounts should be controlled because dried fruits are high in calories and carbohydrates, so only two tablespoons of dried cherries are recommended.


Kiwi is a beloved fruit for its refreshing flavor and sour taste, each 100 g of Kiwi contains 61 calories, 15 g of carbohydrates, and 3 g of fiber, and it can be eaten cooked or fresh by adding it to oats or salads to make a nutritious meal.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, the mineral magnesium, calcium, antioxidants, and is one of the fruits useful in lowering blood pressure for its richness in potassium, regulating bowel movements for its fiber content.

Kiwi contributes to controlling blood sugar levels from too high due to its low glycemic index (50) and its calories, which means that eating kiwi in moderation does not result in an immediate increase in insulin production. 


Apples are one of the widespread and popular fruits globally, and they are rich in vitamin C, magnesium, polyphenols, and fiber, especially in the apple peel, which makes them useful for intestinal health, heart, skin, and cancer resistance.

Apples are characterized by a low glycemic index of 36, which makes them one of the best fruits for diabetics, and non-diabetic apples also prevent the development of Type II diabetes due to the presence of polyphenols that reduce the erosion of beta cells responsible for the production of insulin.

The high fiber and low calorie content of apples (2.4 g fiber and 52 kcal/100 g of apples) helps to get rid of excess weight and is one of the risk factors for diabetes. It is preferable to eat apples in the mornings to take advantage of the pectin substance contained in the apple peel, which supports the digestive process and also gives a feeling of fullness, which reduces calorie consumption.

More useful fruits for diabetics

Below we list some of the other fruits that are useful for people with diabetes: 
Dragon fruit.

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