Exercises to strengthen eyesight


Exercises to strengthen eyesight

Strengthening eyesight

Exercises to strengthen ey

Strengthening eyesight

The problem of poor eyesight is a common and widespread problem among all people and all ages, which is caused by various and multiple causes, including genetic factors, eye injury with a strong blow, eye infections, and as a result of some diseases such as diabetes, practicing some bad habits continuously;
such as sitting long in front of screens, exposed to its rays continuously, or smoking. Many ways can be followed to strengthen eyesight, such as natural methods that greatly help protect the eyes and strengthen eyesight, which stand next to medical aids, avoiding bad habits that cause poor eyesight, and resting the eyes regularly.

Exercises to strengthen eyesight

  • Rest the eye from all the screens that it has daily, and this will relax the eye and reduce the extent of its impact on the danger caused by these screens.
  • Rubbing the eyes to get warm and then covering the eyes with your hands and keeping away from the light, this exercise will help the eyes relax and relieve the pain caused by their stress.
  • The exercise of focusing on something close to the eyes for a short period not exceeding a few seconds, and then doing the focus on something far from the eyes for the same period, this exercise will help to strengthen the eyesight and train the eyes.
  • Relax and sit up straight, move the eyes in all four directions, reverse directions when finished, and do the repetition of this exercise more than once a day.
  • The visualization exercise, by sitting in a comfortable and Quiet Place, closing the eyes and imagining that there is no problem with the eyes and that the gaze is strong, and then opening the eyes with the conviction of this, this exercise is psychological and mental, not a physical and tangible exercise.
Fortified foods to consider

  • Black grapes protect the eyes from contracting some diseases such as cataracts.
  • Leafy vegetables, for a clear view.
  • Foods containing omega-3, such as salmon.
  • Garlic helps protect the eyes from various diseases and also contributes to increased blood flow to the eyes.
  • Nuts of various kinds, help to get rid of alleviate and get rid of the problem of dry eyes.
  • Avocado protects the eyes from some diseases such as cataracts.
  • Some types of vegetables and carrots are the most important in the matter of strengthening eyesight and protecting it from harmful sunlight.
  • Black chocolate promotes the health of blood vessels in the eyes.
  • Some types of meat, such as turkey meat, which is important for the Prevention of macular degeneration, as well as alleviating its symptoms, and preventing its complications.


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