Treatment of varicose veins in women


 Treatment of varicose veins in women

How are varicose veins treated in women?

How are varicose veins treated in women?

 The treatment of varicose veins in women depends on many factors, such as your age, your health condition, the degree of varicose veins you have, symptoms, and your personal desire, as many medical treatment options may be resorted to, and you may just follow some home measures if your condition is simple, [Ù¡] the following is an explanation of the treatment options:

Compression stockings 

Compression stockings are stockings that you wear, they compress your legs and improve blood circulation, and these stockings are narrow at the bottom (at your ankles) and wide at the top, and therefore they stimulate blood flow upwards towards the heart.[Ù¢] Compression stockings can help you relieve pain, discomfort, and bloating, but they can sometimes cause dry and flaky skin, if you notice these symptoms, tell your doctor to take the necessary action

Minimally invasive medical procedures
There are several minimally invasive medical procedures used to treat varicose veins, including:

Sclerotherapy treatment:
In sclerotherapy, a chemical liquid or foam is injected to block the veins, so that these veins (varicose veins) disappear within several weeks, and this operation does not need anesthesia, as it can be performed in the clinic.

Laser treatment:
In the treatment of varicose veins with a laser, intravascular highlighting is carried out, which makes it disappear gradually, without using any injections or making cuts

Many surgical methods mayMany surgical methods may be used to treat varicose veins, and these methods have evolved over time to become minimally invasive as well, from

For catheterization using radio frequency or laser: 

Catheters are used here for large veins, but the tip is heated 
Catheterization with radio frequency or laser at first, and then is eliminated
 Treatment of varicose veins

Ligation and removal of the vein:

 Some small cuts are made in this procedure to remove an infected vein that has been ligated, and this operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis

Phlebectomy without the need to stay in the hospital:
Phlebectomy is performed by Simple Skin pricking, only the pricked areas are anesthetized, this procedure does not require an overnight stay in the hospital.

What about home measures to get rid of varicose veins

Following the following tips may help you heal and get rid of varicose veins as soon as possible:

  • Avoid standing or sitting for a long period
  • Do aerobic exercise to improve your blood circulation.
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes for long periods
  • Raise your legs while sitting or lying down to a level higher than the level of the heart.
  • Do not sit with one leg over the other
How to avoid the appearance of varicose veins again

Here are the most important tips that can help you avoid varicose veins coming back again after treatment:
  • Maintain a healthy weight as much as possible.
  • Do aerobic exercise periodically and regularly.
  • Try to always raise your feet when sitting.
  • Avoid sitting with one leg on top of the other.

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