Where is the fetus in the Two month


 Where is the fetus in the Two month

Month Two of Pregnancy


Receiving the news of pregnancy is an indescribable joy for every mother and father, children are a divine blessing, and every mother loves to imagine what her fetus looks like, to what stage its growth has reached, how much it has reached its size, and many other questions that the expectant mother keeps reading about until she gives birth to her child, and here we provide you with accurate scientific information about the fetus in its Two month.

The fetus is in theThe Two month month of pregnancy

The Two month
The two months in the life of the fetus is one of the most important months, during which the development of most of the internal organs of the fetal body is completed, and therefore it is a stage where the expectant mother needs to be careful in her daily life, for example, she must pay attention to her movement, sitting and standing, because pregnancy is at a stage where it is not well established and fetal development is not complete.

she must also be careful to stay away from exposure to harmful radiation, and pesticides, and avoid touching and carrying some animals, especially cats, as some carry the so-called feline germ. It hurts pregnancy and may lead to miscarriage if transferred to the pregnant. At the

 beginning of the Two months, the fetus reaches a length of 1,25 CM, its head is noticeably larger than its body, the tail of the fetus disappears and becomes more human-like, parts of its face begin to form, two black dots appear where his eyes and eyelids grow, teeth and jaws are formed. The buds protruding from the place of the hands and legs become more prominent and visible, they begin to grow, ankles and wrists are formed and they can bend. As for the skin of the fetus, it is still transparent, and the veins can be seen through it. 

The pituitary gland and muscle fibers are formed, as well as the heart, brain, kidneys, and liver, and the liver begins to pump large amounts of red blood cells until bones form. At the end of the Two months, the muscles and nerves begin to perform their functions, and the genitals are already formed.
Still, the sex of the fetus cannot be determined by ultrasound before the end of the fourth month, the length of the fetus becomes approximately 2,3 – 2,5 cm, and its weight is about 30 g. The placenta also goes through rapid development and growth phases in the two-month period, as the placenta is now releasing its hormones that keep the pregnancy going. 

It is recommended that a pregnant woman who is over the age of thirty-five or has a history of a genetic disease in her family, undergo an examination called chorionic villus sampling CVS chorionic villus sampling examination, to detect any malformations or birth defects.

Pregnant in the second month

It is possible that a pregnant woman at this time becomes moody and emotional, and the symptoms of pregnancy increase in her, from a feeling of nausea and vomiting, bloating in the abdomen and heartburn, fullness of the breasts, and sensitivity. Pregnant women must attend monthly follow-ups with the gynecologist to check the size of the uterus, measure blood pressure, do any necessary tests, as well as pay attention to well-balanced nutrition.

Month Two of Pregnancy
Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes, and eyes are also forming in the second month of pregnancy. The neural tube (brain, spinal cord, and other neural tissue of the central nervous system) is well formed.


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