Monkeypox outbreak: what we know (and what we don't know) so far


 Monkeypox outbreak: what we know (and what we don't know) so far

Monkeypox outbreak

Monkey Pox

Below Dr. Ashley Droz, an infectious disease physician at Houston Methodist answers five questions about monkey pox and its current spread.

What is Monkey Pox

Monkeypox is a viral infection caused by the monkeypox virus belonging to the orthopox virus family . It is closely related to the variola virus that causes smallpox.

"The original source of Monkey Pox is still unknown, but it is believed that it probably originated from rodents,"says Dr. Drews. "Monkeys and humans are accidental families, and monkey pox infections are usually transmitted through contact with infected body fluids or bites."

The majority of monkeypox infections occur in areas where the virus is endemic, including many central and West African countries.
"Monkey pox can also occur in people who come into contact with infected people or animals from these endemic areas, but that is less common," says Dr. Droz.

Indeed, just last summer, a Texan traveling from Nigeria tested positive for the monkey pox virus. This was the first case in the United States in almost 20 years - since the outbreak of the disease in 2003, when more than 70 people were infected with it after handling prairie dogs imported from Ghana. It was then decided that the prairie dogs were housed with infected rodents.

At the moment, the source of the current outbreak of the disease around the world is not fully understood.
However, officials stated that this is the first documented example of the spread of monkeypox among people in a non-endemic environment that is not related to travel to an endemic environment.

What are the symptoms of Monkey Pox disease

Monkey pox is mainly characterized by a generalized rash accompanied by skin wounds. The rash is contagious.
"Skin wounds often start on the face before they spread to other parts of the body," says Dr. Droz. "In the days before the rash appears, affected individuals experience nonspecific flu - like symptoms, including fever, headache, fatigue, and body aches."
However, the disease in its current prevalence seems to mutate a little differently than in previous cases.

According to Dr. Droz, "many current cases have appeared with a rash that starts in the groin or perianal area and sometimes the skin wounds have not spread to other parts of the body,"he said.

It is noteworthy that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that the currently circulating strain of monkeypox - the West African strain - is the mildest of the two existing strains of the disease. Where the Congo Basin (Central African) strain causes a more serious disease.

The spread of the current disease by a milder strain of the virus may explain the reason for the appearance of rashes without fever in many modern cases.

"The rash can be confused with a sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as syphilis or herpes, or also with chickenpox," says Dr. Droz.

Dr. Droz adds that anyone who develops an unexplained rash should be evaluated as soon as possible while avoiding intimate contact or face-to-face with other people.

How to get infected with the monkey pox virus

Experts know a lot about how monkey pox spreads from the traditional behavior of the virus in endemic areas.
"The transmission of infection from person to person occurs mainly through large respiratory droplets, which requires face-to-face contact for a long time," says Dr. Droz. "It can also be caused by direct contact with body fluids or skin wound material."

There are also some reports of transmission through the use of common items such as blankets and towels. Such cases are rare.
A person is considered infectious five days before the appearance of a rash, and continues to be infectious until the wounds are crusted and break off, and then a new skin layer forms under them. This usually takes between two to four weeks.

These wounds - which carry a large proportion of the virus inside - are one of the most infectious aspects of this disease. However, they can appear inside the mouth, and this shows how the virus spreads through large respiratory droplets.

"Transmission for this virus is completely different from covid-19, which spreads through small droplets that would cause infection within a short period of time to others within a few feet or through tiny airborne respiratory droplets," Dr. Droz explains."

Experts are still exploring how monkey pox spread during this particular outbreak. Some evidence suggests that large respiratory droplets may not be the primary means of transmission in this case.

Anyone can get sick with the disease caused by monkey pox and spread it, but many of the people infected in the current global outbreak of the virus are men classified as gay and as bisexual.

"However, there is no clear evidence to suggest that it is a sexually transmitted disease,"says Dr. Droz. "But as mentioned before, the virus can be spread from person to person through personal or intimate contact that includes sexual contact."

Is monkey pox a deadly disease

The reported mortality rate from the West African strain of monkeypox-the currently widespread strain-is about 1%.
Dr. Droz States: "most individuals recover within two to four weeks without receiving specific treatment ."

As it is said, in the event that a person notices the appearance of an unexplained rash, he should be examined by a health care provider.
"The importance of the evaluation is not only for recovery, but it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, which is a crucial step to contain the virus," says Dr. Droz."Your doctor can tell you the steps you need to take to prevent transmission of the disease to your loved ones and other people living with you in your community."

The African strain of monkeypox probably does not cause severe symptoms of the disease in most people, and there is still more to be discovered about high-risk people such as those who are immunocompromised.

There are also tools that health care providers can use to help control the outbreak, as needed.

"There is no FDA-approved treatment for monkeypox, but antivirals designed to treat smallpox have been used in some cases with monkeypox in the past."There are also two vaccines that can be considered."

What can you do to protect yourself from getting monkey pox

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked health care providers to be on the lookout for suspected cases of monkey pox, but it is also necessary to be aware of the individual risks surrounding you.
"Awareness is a crucial factor for making informed decisions," Dr. Druz says."

The following are five main intakes:

In case you have a new or unexplained rash, get medical care
Any time a person has a rash, it is considered contagious
Anyone can get infected with monkey pox, but it has been reported that a noticeable percentage of recently infected cases are among

men who have sex with men

Monkey pox is not a sexually transmitted infection in the usual sense, but it can be spread through intimate contact
If you have a rash and suspect you may have Monkey Pox, don't hesitate to tell your health care provider about your concerns

high temperature (fever) headacheflu-like symptoms, including muscle and back aches, shivering and tirednessswollen glands that feel like new lumps (in the neck, armpits or groin)


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