Skin allergy and itching: treatment and Prevention


 Skin allergy and itching: treatment and Prevention

Skin allergy and itching

Skin allergy and itching: treatment and Prevention

We usually come across the term skin allergy when using preparations that are applied directly to the skin, whether medical or cosmetic preparations, or after seeing a doctor and diagnosing a skin problem..
This topic is of interest due to its impact on the life of the affected person and its quality. Therapeutic measures that the sufferer can follow to treat skin allergies and itching should therefore be touched upon.

The term skin allergy is generally divorced from the skin that is most susceptible to infections or side effects. Skin allergies and allergies affect both sexes, male and female alike.

It should be noted that this term is not in itself a medical diagnosis of a health problem, but a sign that accompanies certain health problems or a reaction of the skin as a result of exposure to certain factors. Skin allergies are usually referred to as facial allergies, but their effect may appear in any other area of the body, especially the most sensitive places such as armpits and genital areas. They appear in one of the following forms:

A feeling of stinging, burning or itching.
Visible skin signs or changes such as redness, dryness, flaking, bumps, or urticaria.

A feeling of discomfort and tightness in the sensitized areas despite the absence of any traces or signs.

A large category of people is wondering about why the skin is sensitive and itchy. Some people attribute it to the use of skin care products, exposure to household products in a direct way on the skin, wearing certain clothes, or direct skin contact.

It happens because of a strong reaction of the skin to chemicals, dyes, fragrances contained in products that come into contact with the skin.

Skin sensitivity and irritation also appear as mentioned above as a sign of one of the health problems; such as eczema, rosacea, allergic contact dermatitis, or dry skin. Genetics, age, and race may also play a role in skin sensitization, but the influence of age and race is less significant than other factors.

What are the methods of treating skin allergies and itching

Skin allergies and abrasions can be treated by staying away from the triggers and making a few simple changes to your skin care routine. In addition to resorting to some medications sometimes.

Drug treatments for skin allergies and itching
The therapeutic option used to treat allergic and itchy skin depends on the cause. But usually doctors use one of the following drugs:

Steroid creams: as topical hydrocortisone preparations to relieve inflammation and itching. It should be noted that they are not used on the face.

Anesthetic creams: they are used to relieve itching and thus the possibility of irritation of the area.

Antihistamines: antihistamines such as diphenhydramine can be taken to relieve allergic conditions.

Sunscreens: it is advisable to use a wide-coverage sunscreen with a protective factor of 30 or more to protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. (3)

Home treatment for skin allergies and itching

1-Use skin moisturizers to reduce dryness. 2-Do not exceed the bathing period for 10 minutes. 3-Avoid using hot water while bathing or washing hands. 4-Use fragrance-free products that are suitable for sensitive skin. 5-Patting the body to dry it instead of rubbing it. 6-Try any new lotion on a small area before applying to make sure the skin is not sensitized direction. (3)

The types of methods of treating skin and allergic dermatitis can be divided depending on the type of allergy, which, in turn, is divided into several sections that depend entirely on the etiology that led to its occurrence, to include the following:

Treatment of dry skin that causes allergies

Dry skin is one of the causes of skin allergies and itching, as the skin becomes dry when it loses a lot of water and oil, and this in turn can lead to symptoms such as itching, flaking, feeling rough to the touch, or sometimes bleeding. Dry skin can occur in various places, such as hands, legs, feet, and even arms. The treatment of dry skin is aimed at returning moisture to the affected areas and preventing dryness of the epidermis in the future. This can be achieved by applying a moisturizing cream or ointment two to three times a day. It is preferable to choose a perfume-free lotion, designed in such a way as to suit people with sensitive skin. People with sensitive skin are also advised to follow a skin health care system based on maintaining its moisture, using: Gentle skin cleansers, soap-free, so as not to get rid of healthy skin oils. Gentle, fragrance-free facial moisturizers. Preferably in the form of a cream, and containing hydraulic acid. Natural oils for moisturizing the body, such as shea butter.

Treatment of eczema that causes itching
Eczema affects the skin's ability to protect itself from irritants, such as protection from germs in the air or chemicals in laundry detergents. Sometimes this can make infected people more sensitive to products that don't bother others, such as soap or cosmetics. The symptoms of eczema vary greatly from person to person, and in general dryness, itching, the appearance of dandruff or red spots with the appearance of some swelling or cracking can be observed on the epidermis, which can lead to skin sensitivity and scratching. Usually, the treatment of skin allergies and abrasions is based on the use of moisturizers on the skin, which in turn will alleviate the symptoms. But in some difficult cases, the injured person has to consult a doctor. People are also advised to use the following products: Alcohol-free lotion, which is intended for owners of sensitive skin. Moisturizers, which mainly contain ceramides, which, in turn, form a protective film over the skin. Creams that reduce itching, which are usually intended for eczema sufferers because they soothe and protect the damaged skin. (4)

Treatment of irritant contact dermatitis
Irritant contact dermatitis is defined as an itchy red rash that develops when the protective layer of the skin is damaged as a result of contact with something, mostly limited to the area in direct contact with the irritating substance. It is one of the forms of contact dermatitis. Symptoms vary and include rash and itching, dry skin associated with cracking, swelling of the area, burning sensation, the appearance of bumps or ulcers from which fluid comes out and has a crust. Irritant contact dermatitis usually resolves on its own within a few weeks. But it is necessary to detect the cause, and minimize exposure to it. It is also advisable for the injured person to follow the following therapeutic measures: The use of steroid ointments, which in turn contribute to reducing inflammation and itching. Use creams designed to reduce itching and tingling, usually these creams contain camphor and menthol.
The use of baths that contain soothing substances such as oatmeal baths, which in turn relieve swelling and burns from the skin. Oatmeal dips are easy to apply and effective for treating skin allergies and itching, as they only require grinding oats, turning it into powder, and then placing it in a medium-temperature water bath.

Treatment of allergic contact dermatitis
Allergic contact dermatitis is one of the less common forms of contact dermatitis. It usually occurs as a result of exposure to certain substances that cause allergic reactions. We can limit some allergens such as some types of soaps, creams, plants, perfumes, jewelry, cosmetics. Symptoms include redness, itching, the appearance of some spots, bubbles and sores that may contain fluid, a feeling of burning, swelling and swelling of the area, treatment is usually centered on staying away from exposure to such triggers, and it is recommended to use the following medications and creams to treat allergies and itching: Antihistamine drugs, which, in turn, help to alleviate the symptoms. Application of topical antihistamine pharmacological preparations such as creams, ointments or sprays. They can contribute to the relief of itching and inflammation. Use non-irritating, fragrance-free household detergents for the skin. Paint a layer of transparent nail polish on various jewelry, to contribute to reducing direct contact and causing skin allergies and itching.

Treatment of rosacea that causes itching
Rosacea is classified as a skin disease that affects the facial area. It is characterized by its early sign, which includes flushing or redness of the face more easily than others. Rosacea may cause skin allergies and severe itching, which in turn causes a burning and stinging sensation directly. A common symptom of rosacea is redness of the face, ears, neck, and chest to appear as if the sufferer has been sunburned. It also facilitates the visibility of blood vessels. And some grains or pimples may appear. To relieve skin sensitization caused by rosacea, it is recommended to use what comes after consulting a doctor: Topical medications that reduce redness such as brimonidine Primer cream before applying the makeup layer to the skin. A Green Foundation is usually used as a primer to relieve redness. And also it is recommended to thoroughly clean the skin before applying makeup on it. Moisturizers and oils, which, in turn, contribute to the relief of allergies. It is also advisable to choose alcohol-free and aromatic moisturizers.

Treatment of urticaria or urticaria that causes itching
Contact urticaria is defined as a skin disease that occurs as a result of exposure to allergens, where symptoms appear on the skin clearly and immediately. These include the appearance of swollen red spots, a feeling of burning, stinging, itching, swelling and swelling of the area. Symptoms of urticaria usually disappear within 24 hours. Some of the reasons that, in turn, contribute to skin irritation are exposure to plants, perfumes, cosmetics or personal hygiene, or certain raw foods. Doctors advise infected people thus: Take antihistamine drugs such as phenhydramine as soon as the symptoms of allergic skin and itching caused by urticaria begin. Apply steroid creams containing hydrocortisone, which, in turn, contribute to reducing inflammation and soothe itching. Take painkillers, which in turn reduce bloating and discomfort, such as ibuprofen and naproxen.
As for physical urticaria , it occurs as a result of exposure to cold, heat, chemicals, or exercise. Her symptoms include the appearance of a small, white, red or pink rash in the middle, surrounded by a red ring. In addition to the feeling of itching, swelling of the affected area. There is no need to worry about this condition, the symptoms usually disappear without treatment. But antihistamines can be used to reduce symptoms.

Irritation and allergic reactions.
Wool, chemicals, soaps and other things can irritate the skin and cause rashes and itching. Sometimes a substance, such as poison ivy or cosmetics, causes an allergic reaction. Also, reactions to certain medicines, such as narcotics to treat pain (opioids) can cause itchy skin.


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