When is the egg inseminated
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When is the egg inseminated |
When is the egg fertilized
The egg is fertilized in the phase known as the ovulation phase (in English: Ovulation) in a woman's menstrual cycle, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, i.e. approximately day 14 if the cycle duration is 28 days, with reference to the difference in the length of the cycle even between normal conditions, the first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstrual bleeding, and during ovulation the egg is released from one of the ovaries, and travels through one of the fallopian tubes and
sperm can fertilize an egg if they are there at the same time, and the life cycle of an egg in which it is fertilizable is estimated at only 12-24 hours after its release from the ovary, but a man's sperm may remain able to fertilize an egg for several days after being in a
woman's reproductive system.[Ù¡] as for the possibility of fertilization of the egg at this stage is influenced by several factors; such as the quality of a man's sperm, the health of a woman's reproductive system, the time of occurrence of sexual intercourse, practicing a relationship without isolation starting 3-6 days before the occurrence of ovulation or practicing it during the time of
ovulation increases the chance of Spermatozoa with an egg in the fallopian tube, thereby increasing the chance of fertilization of the egg and the occurrence of pregnancy.[Ù¡]
The mechanism of fertilization of the egg
The journey of fertilization of the egg begins with the entry of sperm into the vagina of a woman, and here it is indicated that its entry often occurs through sexual intercourse, in addition to other methods, as is the case in some assisted pregnancy methods, and after its entry it moves through the cervical opening (in English: Cervix) to the uterus down to the fallopian tubes, here the egg is fertilized after one of the sperm penetrates the egg wall, and after fertilization the fertilized egg moves to the uterus to complete the implantation process (in English: Implantation) in the uterine wall, and after implantation doctors call the term fertilized egg embryo or embryo (in English: Embryo), and from the ninth week of pregnancy to childbirth it is called the term live fetus (English: Fetus).[Ù¢]
Symptoms after fertilization of the egg
Fertilization and implantation of the egg is not accompanied by the appearance of any obvious symptoms on the woman mostly, but in some cases a woman may notice very light bleeding known as implantation bleeding, and some women may think that it is due to the start of the menstrual cycle because of the timing of its appearance, which is close to the start of the menstrual cycle mostly, or some women may think that this bleeding indicates an early miscarriage of pregnancy, and there is another sign by which implantation can be inferred from women who track the ovulation process by measuring basal body temperature, abbreviated BBT, implantation may be accompanied by the egg has a slight decrease in basal body temperature on the day of implantation, and the symptoms of pregnancy begin Often appearing at the same time as the first menstruation, a woman has absent symptoms, such as nausea, pain in the breasts to the touch, fatigue and fatigue.[Ù£]
Within 24 hours of ovulation: Sperm fertilizes an egg (conception occurs). About six days after fertilization: The fertilized egg implants into your uterine lining. Around day 21: If conception and implantation occurred during this menstrual cycle, you're pregnant. more
Fertilization and implantation of the egg is not accompanied by the appearance of any obvious symptoms on the woman mostly, but in some cases a woman may notice very light bleeding known as implantation bleeding, and some women may think that it is due to the start of the menstrual cycle because of the timing of its appearance, which is close to the start of the menstrual cycle mostly, or some women may think that this bleeding indicates an early miscarriage of pregnancy, and there is another sign by which implantation can be inferred from women who track the ovulation process by measuring basal body temperature, abbreviated BBT, implantation may be accompanied by the egg has a slight decrease in basal body temperature on the day of implantation, and the symptoms of pregnancy begin Often appearing at the same time as the first menstruation, a woman has absent symptoms, such as nausea, pain in the breasts to the touch, fatigue and fatigue.[Ù£]
Within 24 hours of ovulation: Sperm fertilizes an egg (conception occurs). About six days after fertilization: The fertilized egg implants into your uterine lining. Around day 21: If conception and implantation occurred during this menstrual cycle, you're pregnant. more