When does breast pain begin in pregnancy


 When does breast pain begin in pregnancy

How early does your breast hurt when pregnant?
When does breast pain begin in pregnancy

The timing of the onset of breast pain in pregnancy

It is common for pregnant women to feel breast pain during the first pregnancy period; it is one of the early signs, and it often starts one to two weeks after pregnancy and increases during the first trimester specifically; as a result of the hormonal changes that the pregnant woman is going through, at first she feels mild pain and then the pain gradually increases and is accompanied by several other symptoms such as breast swelling and a feeling of heaviness, and the pain may be in one or both breasts or in parts of them, and it may be continuous or intermittent.[Ù¡]

The difference between breast pain before the cycle and before pregnancy

A woman feels breast pain in the period before menstruation or at the beginning of pregnancy, and they can be distinguished by taking a home pregnancy test, [Ù¢] or by some of the following differences:

  • Breast pain due to pregnancy lasts longer and is more severe than breast pain due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), [Ù¢] while the pain peaks at the time just before the menstrual period and begins to improve during or after menstruation.[Ù£]
  • The areolas around the nipple become larger and are accompanied by other changes in their shape, and their color also darkens more during pregnancy.[Ù¢]
  • Breast pain due to pregnancy is usually accompanied by breast-related symptoms that are different from those caused by PMS, such as:[Ù£]
-Severe pain when touching the breast -The breast becomes heavier -A feeling of pain or tingling in the area near the nipple -The appearance of visible blue veins on the breast

Breast pain caused by pregnancy is accompanied by early symptoms that indicate pregnancy and differ from the symptoms of the cycle, which are as follows:[Ù¢]

-Fatigue. -Nausea. -Frequent urination.
-A change in the taste of food and drinks.

The cause of breast pain in pregnancy

Here is an explanation of the causes of breast pain for pregnant women:

Hormonal changes: the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone change during pregnancy, in preparation for preparing the mother's body to support the growth of the child during the months of pregnancy, in addition to the rise of the hormone prolactin, as all these hormones are known as pregnancy hormones, and their increase is responsible for blood flow to the breast and gaining some fat and tissue growth in it, causing breast pain.[Ù¤]

Changes that occur in the structure of the breast: a number of changes occur in the size of the breast during pregnancy, to grow and become ready to produce milk in preparation for breastfeeding the baby, and pain can appear during the growth period, especially in the middle of pregnancy.

Tips for relieving breast pain in pregnancy
Some strategies can be followed to relieve breast pain during pregnancy without the need to visit a doctor, but if the pain intensifies and does not respond to any of the following tips, it is preferable to consult a doctor, he may prescribe some safe painkillers during pregnancy, [Ù¥] some suggestions include the following: [Ù¦]

  • Choose a comfortable and supportive bra with wide shoulders and a size commensurate with the size of the breast, and its size can also be changed as pregnancy progresses according to breast growth, as it is preferable to choose a bra that closes from the back so that the pregnant woman can adjust her size.
  • Replacing a regular bra with a sports bra, as it helps to stabilize the breast more, which reduces the pain caused by movement, and this type is suitable to provide support for heavy and painful breasts.
  • Wearing a bra intended for sleep, as types intended for sleep are designed, but sports or regular bras can be worn, in this way the breast can be protected from friction with clothes or covers, minimizing its movement.
  • Take a shower with cold or warm water to reduce breast pain or replace it with compresses, and it is advisable to use a towel to stabilize the breast when rinsing the front of the body.
  • Use a chest pad to protect the nipples if the bra is annoying, which is a bandage that may be washable and reusable cotton or disposable paper, placed on the inside of the bras.
  • Avoid wearing clothes or objects that require touching the breast, for example a backpack can be worn instead of a shoulder bag that is placed diagonally.

When does breast pain subside in pregnancy

Breast pain peaks in the first trimester of pregnancy and decreases in intensity during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and returns again after childbirth and during lactation, and are very natural changes during this period, as the flow of milk and blood in the breast increases its swelling and heaviness, and the previously mentioned tips can be followed to relieve breast pain and sensitivity during lactation as well.[Ù¥]

Summary of the article

Breast pain occurs and its sensitivity increases and becomes heavier during the first three months of pregnancy, and then decreases in the following other months.breast pain during pregnancy is different from the pain that precedes the menstrual cycle, following changes that may occur on hormones in the body. it can also be alleviated by following some simple tips or consulting a doctor if the pain is severe and does not decrease even with the experience of advice.

Why breast pain occurs in early pregnancy. Breast pain is often the first symptom of pregnancy, occurring as early as one to two weeks after conception — technically, weeks three and four of pregnancy. That sore boob sensation peaks in the first trimester because your body is flooding with hormones.

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