Diet for diabetics


 Diet for diabetics

Diet Plan for Diabetics
 Diet for diabetics

People with diabetes should follow a certain diet, to control blood sugar levels, and prevent any of the complications related to this, and this does not mean depriving them of their favorite foods, or preventing them from eating sweets and foods with a delicious taste, but they should pay attention to the portions of carbohydrates and fats they eat, the symptoms of diabetes can be reduced by eating healthy, increasing physical activity, losing weight،

  • Identify sources of refined carbohydrates such as: white bread, rice, pasta, in addition to soft drinks and sweets, and a lot of carbohydrates rich in fiber that are digested slowly, protecting the body from the production of the hormone insulin in large quantities.
  • Not to eat foods containing sugar in a hidden form such as: canned food, fast food, pasta sauce, ready-to-eat frozen food, low-fat meals, ketchup.
  • Eat healthy fats instead of unhealthy saturated and trans fats.
  • Weight loss, as losing Ù§% of body weight reduces the risk of diabetes by half.
The best foods for diabetics

The diabetic diet aims to control blood sugar levels, and there are many foods that help with this, the most important of which are: [Ù¢]

Fatty fish.
Green fiber.
Chia seeds.
Greek yogurt.

Suggested diets for diabetics

Meal planning depends on body weight and level of physical activity. The following diet was planned for a person who needs 1200-1600 calories per day. It is designed for one day only, and includes the following meals: [3]

Breakfast: 1 medium slice of whole wheat bread with 2 teaspoons of jam, ½ cup of ready-to-eat cereal, 1 cup of low-fat milk, 1 piece of fruit, and coffee.

Lunch: a sandwich of cheese and vegetables, a medium-sized apple with two tablespoons of almond butter.

Dinner: a salmon fish with one and a half teaspoons of vegetable oil, a small baked potato, half a cup of carrots, a salad containing: one and a half cups of spinach, half a tomato, a quarter cup of sweet pepper, two teaspoons of olive oil, one and a half teaspoons of vinegar, with a cup of unsweetened tea.

Snack: two and a half glasses of popcorn or an orange, with half a glass of low-fat cottage cheese.more


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