What caused bulging feet and hands


 What caused bulging feet and hands

Cause of bulging feet and hands
What caused bulging feet and hands

Cause of bulging feet and hands

In what comes we mention some of the reasons that may lead to swelling or swelling of the feet and hands

Pre-eclampsia: This problem may occur during pregnancy or immediately after birth But it is more common after the twentieth week of pregnancy, where blood pressure rises in the pregnancy resulting in the other organs being affected And it must be stressed that some bloating, swelling is expected in pregnancy. But this case of sudden hypertension is capable of causing weight gain, and fluid retention very quickly.

Lymphedema: swelling arises as a result of the accumulation of lymphatic fluids, which can cause swelling of the feet or hands. People whose lymphoma has been damaged or removed as a cancer treatment measure are at higher risk for this problem.

High temperature: The body expands blood vessels, increases blood flow to the surface of the skin to lower its temperature by sweating, but sometimes fluid may be trapped in the hands, feet resulting in swelling.

Edema: swelling that appears markedly in the hands, arms, feet and ankles, as a result of excess fluid retention in the body, which may arise as a result of pregnancy or the use of a particular drug, or as a result of a latent disease; Such as congestive heart failure, liver fibrosis or kidney disease. [3]

Cause of bulging hands

There are several problems that may lead to swelling of the hands, including:

Exercise: Blood vessels may expand in the hands as a way to increase blood flow to them after decreasing the result of increased exercise to flow to the heart muscles, lungs, and the body's sweating mechanism to relieve high temperature during exercise may contribute to hand bloating, Swelling hands during exercise may mean that athletes suffer from hyposodium in the blood.

Excessive salt intake: Salt on the kidneys is difficult to function efficiently. Disposal of excess fluid in the body is more difficult, resulting in swelling accumulation in many areas of the body, including in the hands.

Psoriatic arthritis: As his name suggests, it is one of the types of arthritis that appears in people with psoriasis, which can cause swelling of any part of the body but is so common in the fingers of the hands that it can be likened to sausages, toes, and lower back.

Vascular edema: swelling caused by an allergic reaction resulting from contact with one of its causes.

Cause of bulging feet

One of the things that may cause swelling of the feet is the following: [2] lifestyle that involves wearing shoes that do not fit the foot, high body weight, as well as frequent seating. Consumption of alcoholic beverages that in turn increases fluid retention in the body.

Infections that are more likely in people with diabetes. Health Problems

  • Chronic intravenous deficiency
  •  Cardiology
  •  kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • Blood clot
  • Side effect of using some medications
  • Calcium receptor blockers used to control
  • High blood pressure.
  • steroids.
  • Hormones such as estrogen used in contraception, and testosterone.
  • Antidepressants
  •  Pharmaceutical treatments for diabetes.
  • Anti-esteroids.


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