Weight Loss Tips


8 tips help you lose weight without scaling

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss 

Losing excess weight will help you to appear better, but more importantly losing weight will relieve pressure on joints and will improve health in a general form. But many of us might get upset or get bored of dieting for weight loss and they'll always look for alternatives. Here are these simple steps that will help you lose weight without following any kind of annoying diets.

How to Lose Weight Without Diet

Timing of meals

Time 20 minutes when eating your meal, and try to get yourself used to eating very slowly; Where this technique is one of the best techniques for losing weight from non-diet, cut food for small pieces and eat each piece slowly, try to enjoy the taste until your stomach is full, because eating food quickly doesn't give your stomach more time to send your saturation signals to your brain.

Sleep more and weigh less

Studies have shown that sleeping an extra hour at night will help you lose 7 kilograms a year. Eight hours' sleep is known to help burn almost 500 calories. Some research has shown that sleeping less than seven hours will increase appetite the next day and this will lead to more food.

More servings of vegetables

Instead of eating one serving of vegetables with rice for lunch, for example, you can eat three portions of vegetables with reduced rice, so you'll eat more but less calories, and you can replace your chocolate or chip snacks sometimes with light meals of vegetables; Vegetables contain water and fibre, which significantly helps to lose excess weight.

Focus on whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and whole wheat help with your weight loss strategy, they also help fill the stomach with fewer calories, they can improve your cholesterol as well, and whole grains are now in many products including pancakes, pizza, English cakes and pasta.

Drinking green tea

Drinking green tea may also be a good technique for weight loss, and some studies suggest that green tea can temporarily increase the body's calorie burning speed, perhaps by containing plant chemicals called antioxidants, plus you'll get a refreshing drink without any calorie increase mentioned.

Chewing gum with strong mint flavor

Chew sugar-free gum with a strong mint flavour when you're about to eat a light meal when watching TV, browsing the Internet or after dinner; Because these times can be dangerous for meals without thinking and chewing these gums will help to remove the idea of snacking at these critical times, as well as the strong taste of gum will make these foods tasteless.

Small Size of Your Dishes

Eating your food with a dish that is smaller than your usual dish will automatically make you eat less; Because recent studies have shown that people eat more and binge in larger dishes compared to smaller dishes, so reduce your dishes to avoid eating an additional 100 to 200 calories, thus losing 5-10 kilograms a year.

Burn 100 extra calories

Lose 5 kilograms annually by burning 100 calories daily, including by walking for 20 minutes, cleaning the house for 30 minutes, trotting for 10 minutes, going up and down the stairs for eight minutes, or doing push-ups for 20 seconds only.

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