How to remove sunburn from the face


 How to remove sunburn from the face

How to lighten skin after sunburn?


Sunburn causes damage and damage to the skin as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (English: UV), which reaches the globe from the sun within the various radiations it emits. Symptoms of sunburn appear within two hours after direct exposure to The Sun, however, the full effect of sun damage on the skin may take 24 hours to manifest. It is worth noting that exposure to sunlight may increase the risk of skin cancer in the long run. The period required for the disappearance of sunburn symptoms depends on the degree of those burns; minor burn symptoms may last from 3-5 days, and their symptoms are redness of the skin, peeling and pain. Moderate sunburn is usually more painful, causes redness and swelling of the skin, and its symptoms last for about a week. While severe sunburn requires two weeks for its symptoms to disappear completely, as these burns cause the appearance of painful sores and significant redness of the skin.

How to remove sunburn from the face

there are many home remedies that can be used to get rid of sunburn, these treatments include the following:

Applying cold compresses: cold compresses can be applied to the face to relieve pain caused by sunburn and soothe irritated skin.

Taking a cold bath: taking a cold bath helps to cool the skin from sunburn, and some natural substances can be mixed and added to water, and applied to the skin to relieve pain and other symptoms resulting from sunburn; such as oats, apple cider vinegar, and chamomile.

Apply volatile oils: such as lavender oil in small amounts to the skin to soothe irritated skin from sunburn.

Use preparations containing aloe vera: to soothe and moisturize burned skin.

Applying freshly brewed tea to the skin:Where freshly brewed and cooled tea can be applied to the skin, and add mint to it on the skin using a clean cloth, and the importance of tea lies in the treatment of sunburn that it contains tannic acid, which helps to withdraw heat from the skin and restore the natural pH of the skin.

Using soaked tea bags: using tea bags soaked in cold water can be applied to the eyelids to soothe burns and reduce inflammation.

Use Vaseline: Vaseline gel can be applied to burned lips to keep them moist.

Applying yogurt or cold milk: using a clean cloth, cold milk can be applied to the face to relieve the pain of sunburn, in addition to the possibility of using yogurt on the burned skin to soothe it.

Applying vitamin E oil to the skin: to reduce inflammation caused by sunburn by the action of the antioxidants contained in it. Using mashed cucumber paste: mashed cucumber paste can be applied in a blender to the face to soothe and exfoliate the skin; due to its antioxidant content.

Using mashed cucumber paste: mashed cucumber paste can be applied in a blender to the face to soothe and exfoliate the skin; due to its antioxidant content.

Putting boiled and mashed potatoes on the face: boiled and mashed potatoes can be put on the face after they cool down, as it is believed that the starch contained in potatoes draws heat from the area with a burn, which can reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Using cornstarch paste: cornstarch can be mixed with water to form a paste that can be applied to the skin to help soothe sunburn.

Prevention of sunburn

Sunburn can be prevented by following several tips that reduce the chance of sunburn, and it is worth saying that these tips should be followed even if the sun is not shining, even on cold, cloudy, or foggy days. Caution should also be exercised when exposed to the sun in places where there is water, snow, and sand, as they help reflect the sun's rays and increase their damage. It should be noted that ultraviolet radiation is more concentrated in high-altitude areas. Tips to reduce the risk of sunburn include the following: [Ù£]

Avoid the sun in the afternoon: it is advisable to avoid exposure to the sun between ten in the morning and four in the evening, as the sun's Rays are at their peak during these hours, so it is advisable to avoid outdoor activities at those times, or stay in the shade as much as possible.

Covering the problem areas of the body: it is recommended to cover the problem areas of the body when going outside, by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and clothing that covers the body, including arms and feet. It is advisable to wear dark colors, as they provide greater protection from clothing compared to light-colored clothes, and choose tightly woven fabrics.

Using sunscreen: it is recommended to use large amounts of sunscreen several times a day, and here are some instructions for using sunscreen correctly and effectively to prevent sunburn: choose a sunscreen that has broad-spectrum protection against long-term ultraviolet (UVA) and medium-term ultraviolet (UVB) rays. It is worth noting that the American Academy of Dermatology

recommends the use of broad-spectrum sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 30. Apply a generous amount of sunscreen to the exposed areas of the body about 15-30 minutes before going outside.

Reapply sunscreen every 40-80 minutes, especially if the person is swimming or sweating. Use sunscreens that contain physical blockers (English: Physical blockers) such as titanium oxide (English: Titanium oxide), zinc oxide (English: Zinc oxide) for children and infants.

Wear sunglasses when going out: sunglasses should be equipped with long-term UV protection and medium-term UV protection, and have wrap frames that block the sun's rays from all angles. It is worth noting that it is not necessary that dark lenses provide greater protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Attention to medications: there are a group of medications that may increase sensitivity to sunlight and burns resulting from it, such as: antihistamines , ibuprofen , some types of antibiotics, antidepressants , antipsychotics, and some drugs used to lower cholesterol.

How to treat sunburn


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