How to build your body without iron


 How to build your body without iron

Doing muscle exercises

Doing muscle exercises

There are some exercises that help build muscles and enhance their gains, including: 

Push-ups: These exercises are used to build, strengthen and increase the size of muscles in the chest and shoulder area, and are gradually practised, from normal pressure levels that only lift the chest off the ground, to higher levels so that the person lifts the chest and legs together from the ground.

Pull-ups: This exercise is used to build back and forearm muscles where the hands are fully stretched and then pulled up in the direction of the beam or iron tape installed, The person continues to rise from the ground so that he can lift the chin above the bar level After mastering this step and reaching the top of the tape, the tape can be paused from three to five seconds, and the body is slowly lowered to avoid muscle sprain.

Squats: Squats are used to build hamstrings and are exercises targeting the lower body muscles.

increased calorie intake

The body needs calories to grow and build muscles better and improve their performance, as a man consumes about 300 calories or more every day during movement, so a person can follow some tips to get a healthy diet, which is by committing to eating breakfast daily, avoiding fast food, in addition to avoiding dinner as much as possible, and the body must be provided with enough carbohydrates, because the body burns a lot of calories during exercise, which may lead to the depletion of protein quantities in the muscles, and carbohydrates can be obtained mainly from bread, whole grains, fruits, and milk. [2]


Strong muscles can be obtained through simple exercises as well; Such as running and walking, where these sports help to build the muscles of the feet, [3] These cylindrical muscles can be observed in runners and athletes, and also help to build abs, walk or run from 15 to 30 minutes per day, and progressively prolong the duration. [4] [5]


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