Cough Treatment for Infants
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Cough Treatment for Infants |
Treatment of cough in infants
Cough treatment or what is also known as cough can be described in some detail as follows
drug treatments
In fact, the first step to cough treatment is to treat the underlying cause of cough infection. If caused by a bacterial infection, the infant is given an appropriate antibiotic While cough from asthma is treated with expanded medication for the airways and anti-inflammatory medications, If a cough is
due to exposure to a viral infection, the infant must receive the necessary health care according to his or her need and health status Some may need oxygen therapy, or use
expanded medication for the airways. and, on the other hand, doctors are not advised to use cough inhibitors, or solvent drugs for phlegm, because cough helps remove accumulated discharge from the airways, and heal from respiratory infections. [1]
Home Remedies
There are a lot of home-based prescriptions and treatments through which infants' coughs can be controlled and alleviated These treatments are not costly, safe to use, and available in every home. It is always recommended to provide the child with sufficient quantities of water to maintain his or her body moisture and relieve the pain associated with the cough, and reduce the intensity of the mucus produced by the body s ambient air, and giving the child a warm bath and sitting a little to inhale the steam in it may be very useful. Mention is made of some home remedies that are useful in controlling infant coughs and have been classified depending on the infant's age as follows: [2]
Infants 3 months to 1 year old
It is very important to reduce and alleviate the problem of coughing at this age stage The infant is advised to be given warm water or more milk, It should be noted that the doctor should be reviewed if the child is younger than three months. and it should be noted that honey should not be given to relieve coughs in those under one year of age, It may lead to the development of a condition known as infantile botulism.
Children between the ages of one and two:
At this age stage, approximately 2-5 ml of honey can be used to get rid of a baby's cough. Honey helps to get rid of mucus and reduce the severity and severity of cough. Many studies have shown that the use of honey is more effective than the use of many anti-cough drugs found in pharmacies.
Children of 2 years of age and older:
At this point in life, topical medicines containing menthol can be used to get rid of cough, one of the substances found in mint, and are applied by greasing them on the chest area, neck around the throat. It should be noted that the drug should be kept in a place beyond children's reach after completion of its use.
Types of cough in infants
The nature of the cough an infant may develop varies, and some forms of cough are described: [3] [4]
Cough with wheezing:
When coughing is accompanied by a whistling sound at exhale, this indicates that there is something that closes the lower course of breathing, and this may occur as a result of asthma, the exposure of electrocytes to a viral infection, or the presence of an object stuck in the respiratory stream, in which case the doctor must be reviewed to take the necessary medical action.
Sudden cough
The child may suddenly start coughing, after he swallows something and gets stuck in the respiratory tract, and the cough is here to help breathe and remove what has been stuck with the respiratory tract, and here we point out the need to see the doctor immediately if the cough does not improve, and the child continues to suffer from difficulty breathing.
Night cough
which may result from congestion of the child's nose and sinuses, resulting in accumulation of mucus in the throat and stimulating cough at night, and asthma may cause night cough; Because airways tend to be more sensitive at night.
cough during the day
Which is accompanied by sensitivity to some smells and fragrances, asthma, colds, and physical activity.
Bark-like cough:
It is attributable to exposure to allergens, temperature changes or viral infections that cause airways or vocal cords to swell.
Whooping cough or longing:
Which occurs as a result of the infection of the bronchi with Porditelli pneumonia and children with pertussis suffer successive bouts of cough without breathing between them and whooping cough may infect humans at any age, but it is more severe in infants under the age of one who has not received whooping cough vaccine And it should be noted that whooping cough is an infectious disease, but can be treated with antibiotics. [5] Chronic cough: which lasts from one to three weeks or more, due to exposure to colds, or chronic sinus infection, and a doctor should be seen if the cough lasts longer than a month. [3] [4]
Chronic cough:
which lasts from one to three weeks or more, due to exposure to colds, chronic sinus infection, and a doctor should be seen if the cough lasts longer than a month. [3] [4]
Causes of cough in infants
In addition to the colds, Bronchiolitis, asthma, etc., there are many causes of cough in infants, as follows: [6]
- suffering from bronchial expansion that causes a cough of chronic contamination lasting for more than four weeks.
- Exposure to cigarette smoke by indirect smoking.
- Human respiratory cellular virus infection
- Cystic fibrosis, heart disease and lung disease are rare causes of cough. [8]