Best vitamins for children


Best vitamins for children

Vitamin B Group

Best vitamins for children


Vitamins give the body a lot of benefits that help it live healthily and away from diseases It strengthens the body's immune system and helps the organs to perform their functions to the fullest. For example, we often hear that carrots are useful for consideration, which is true because they contain effective substances that the body converts into vitamin A. disease ", which helps prevent diseases that may affect the eye. But at the developmental stage, children need certain types of vitamins that promote the health of the body, greatly help them in this process of development, and we will provide a complete list of them in this article, with a simple explanation of the benefit of each, but at the outset we will mention the reasons why vitamins should be administered as supplements to the child.

Child's need for vitamins

Doctors prefer that children get their vitamin needs through a healthy diet by eating milk regularly, eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and of course eating products prepared with whole wheat, but the child's condition may require taking vitamin supplements when:

  • Children who do not eat healthy and balanced meals regularly.
  • Children who do not like healthy eating or cooked at home, and only like to eat some specific foods.
  • Children with chronic diseases, such as asthma, or in case of digestive problems.
  • Very active children who put in a great physical effort.
  • Children who often eat junk food, manufactured food, soda, or do not eat meat or any dairy products.

Best vitamins for children

Vitamin A

It promotes healthy growth and natural development of tissues, bones, and contributes to the protection of skin and eyes. This vitamin is available in milk, cheeses, eggs, yellow and orange vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes and pumpkins

Vitamin B Group

It is B12, B2, B3, B6, these vitamins help to activate the metabolism which gives the body greater energy, improves the blood cycle and nervous system, and vitamin B can be obtained from meat, fish, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs, beans and soybeans.

Vitamin C

Promotes healthy muscle, tissue and skin growth, found in citrus, strawberry, kiwi and green-colored vegetables such as broccoli.

Vitamin D
promotes bone and dental formation, helps the body absorb calcium, is found in milk products, fish oil, and the best source of vitamin D is sunlight.

The most important minerals for children


Helps build strong bones, including sources from which we can get calcium; Milk, cheese, yogurt and calcium-backed orange juice.


It builds muscle and is very necessary to build red blood pellets, and should be paid attention to its lack of blood in girls especially at the beginning of their menstrual cycle. Iron is available in beef, spinach, beans, peaches, and abyssal roosters.

Video: The best vitamins for children. Due to the weak health and immunity of children, they need support with vitamins:

Video:- Best Multivitamin for kids 2024 [Top 6 Vitamin for kids Review]

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