How to hypnotize an infant


 How to hypnotize an infant

Baby Sleeping Tips
How to hypnotize an infant

Infant hypnosis

Sleep is an important psychological need for human health, especially children. It helps them relax and rest, and their sleep rate in the first months is about 22 hours, And then these hours start to shrink to twelve hours. to ensure the healthy and healthy development of the child, many mothers face the problem of difficulty in hypnotising their infants So in this article we will talk about how to hypnotize the child in the first four months, as well as general tips.

How to hypnotize an infant

In the first month

This month the child usually sleeps sixteen to seventeen hours a day, waking up from two to four hours, so the mother must be ready to wake up at night.

in the second month

The child begins to reduce his or her sleep hours, sometimes arriving from eight to twelve hours a day, so the mother must watch her child when he or she is tired and exhausted, and when he or she wants to sleep, as well as provide a good and 
suitable place for his or her sleep. Some children sleep all day and wake up at night, so the mother must teach her child to differentiate between night and day, And get used to being awake enough during the day. By playing with him, or letting his room lit up until he woke up. or increase the daily buzz around him like working at home, but at night she has to reduce the light around him. It also has to reduce movement and noise so he can sleep alone.

in the third month

A mother who habituates her child should sleep alone, by placing him in the bed for his sleep when he wants to sleep, but should avoid shaking or breastfeeding him during the sleep period, as this damages him on a distant level.

in the fourth month

Infant sleeping hours are less than eight to twelve hours per day. So it is preferable for the mother to take advantage of this period until she sleeps during the night and should not worry if her child does not get enough hours during sleep, But if she feels like he's not sleeping well, she'd rather consult a doctor immediately, To ensure that the child does not suffer from any organic or psychiatric illnesses.

Baby Sleeping Tips

  • Reduce noise and inconvenience when the child is hypnotised.
  • Monitor the child first, especially when ready to sleep, as it exhibits many symptoms such as: rubbing eyes, yawning.
  • Keep away from shaking the child violently and forcefully, because it affects him negatively.
  • Feed the child well before you give birth.
  • Do not talk to the child before bed in a loud voice, but rather in a low and quiet voice.
  • The child can be called by his name.
  • Clean the baby's nose on a daily basis, to get rid of the dirt related to it.
  • Gently wipe the baby's head.
  • Warm the baby well in the cold atmosphere, so he doesn't get cold in his sleep.
  • Clean the baby's room first, so he doesn't get bacterial and viral infections.
  • Change the baby's diapers permanently.
  • Help the child to cram before sleeping.

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