Pregnant mother's health


 Pregnant mother's health

Pregnant mother's health
Pregnant mother's health

Pregnancy is one of the important stages for the proper growth and development of the child, so pregnant women are advised to adhere to a balanced diet that provides sufficient amounts of energy and various nutrients,[1] and it is common among people that pregnant women are advised to stay away from some foods during pregnancy, including coffee, as controversy has arisen about the safety of its use for pregnant women, and in this article we will explain the effect of coffee on pregnant women scientifically[2].

The harms of coffee for pregnant women

When a pregnant woman drinks a cup of coffee, the caffeine in it crosses the placenta into the amniotic fluid and then into the baby's bloodstream, but the fetal body does not have the ability to eliminate the caffeine because it is still developing, so it takes much longer than the adult body, and as a result, the baby is exposed to the effects of caffeine for a much longer period of time than the mother, and it is worth noting that consuming more than 300 milligrams per day during pregnancy increases the risk of delivering a baby who is small for gestational age

Small for gestational age), and consumption of eight or more cups per day during pregnancy has been observed to increase the risk of stillbirth. [3][4] It is worth noting that excessive caffeine intake causes some symptoms that become more pronounced as pregnancy progresses, because the body's ability to break down caffeine becomes slower with pregnancy, which increases the concentration of caffeine in the blood, and some of the symptoms that caffeine may cause are:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure. Stress and insomnia. Heartburn, as it causes the production of stomach acid. Negatively affecting the level of iron when drinking coffee or tea; as these drinks contain compounds that cause difficulty in the absorption of iron by the body, so it is recommended to drink coffee or tea between meals to have less impact on iron absorption.

The harms of coffee on pregnant women

When a pregnant woman drinks a cup of coffee, the caffeine in it crosses the placenta into the amniotic fluid and then into the baby's bloodstream, but the fetal body does not have the ability to eliminate the caffeine because it is still developing, so it takes much longer than the adult body, and as a result, the baby is exposed to the effects of caffeine for a much longer period of time than the mother, and it is worth noting that consuming more than 300 milligrams per day during pregnancy increases the risk of delivering a baby who is small for gestational age: Small for gestational age), 

and consumption of eight or more cups per day during pregnancy has been observed to increase the risk of stillbirth. [3][4] It is worth noting that excessive caffeine intake causes some symptoms that become more pronounced as pregnancy progresses, because the body's ability to break down caffeine becomes slower with pregnancy, which increases the concentration of caffeine in the blood, and among the symptoms that caffeine may cause:[3]

 Increased heart rate and blood pressure. Feeling jittery and insomnia. Heartburn, as it causes the production of stomach acid. Negatively affecting the level of iron when drinking coffee or tea; as these drinks contain compounds that cause difficulty in the absorption of iron by the body, so it is recommended to drink coffee or tea between meals to have less impact on iron absorption

The permissible amount of coffee for pregnant women

Moderate coffee consumption during pregnancy is considered safe, as pregnant women are allowed to consume 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, and it is worth noting that caffeine is not only found in coffee, but in many other foods and drinks, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, and coffee-flavored ice cream, and caffeine is found in some herbal products and over-the-counter medications, including some headache, cold, and allergy medications. 

Caffeine is also found in some herbal products and over-the-counter medications, including some headache, cold, and allergy medications, so labels should be read carefully,[2][3] and the following table shows the caffeine content in a range of beverages

The drink             

Turkish coffee cup (60 ml) -50

Espresso coffee (45 ml)      -77

Instant coffee cup (237 ml) 57

Cappuccino (355 ml)     -  154

1 cup black tea (237 ml)   -42

1 cup green tea (237 ml)   -25

Iced Tea Cup (237 ml)      -47

Colored Soft Drinks (355 ml) 34-38

Soft Drinks (Uncolored - Lemon Flavored) 0

Chocolate Milk (273 ml)- 5

Hot Chocolate (273 ml) - 5

Tips for reducing caffeine during pregnancy 

You can follow some tips to reduce caffeine consumption during pregnancy, including the following:[3] Gradually reduce the consumption of caffeine sources, to alleviate the symptoms that can occur upon immediate withdrawal, such as headaches, irritability, and lethargy. 

Choose decaffeinated beverages, which can contain caffeine in small amounts. Decaffeinated coffee can be mixed with regular coffee, and gradually reduce the amount of regular coffee. Use more milk and less coffee. 

Not brewing tea for a long time; leaving a tea bag in hot water for one minute instead of five minutes reduces the caffeine content by half. Drink non-caffeinated herbal teas instead of coffee, but be sure to read the ingredients, as some herbs and additives may not be safe during pregnancy.

Benefits of coffee 

Despite the multiple harms of consuming coffee in large quantities, it has a range of health benefits health benefits for the human body when consumed in moderate amounts; This is because it contains many compounds and nutrients, and among the benefits 

of coffee we mention the following:[6] It is considered a rich source of antioxidants (English: Antioxidant). It contains caffeine, which helps to enhance brain function, improve mood, and boost metabolism by 3-11%. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and type 2 diabetes. Reduces the risk of liver diseases, such as: Cirrhosis or liver cancer. Reduces the chances of developing depression.

  • Food               Quantity
  • Nutrient Amount Water 235.55 mg
  • Energy    2 kcal
  • Protein   0.28 mg
  • Caffeine 0.05 mg
  • Calcium 5 mg
  • Iron        0.02 mg
  • Potassium 116 mg
  • Magnesium 7 mg
  • Folate        5 mcg
  • Riboflavin 0.180 mg
  • Niacin       0.453 mg

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