How to treat sunburn


 How to treat sunburn

Sunburn Control Tips
How to treat sunburn

Sunburn Control Tips

 Sunburn Elimination, Sunburn or Sunburn (English: Sunburn), and its effects need patience in order for burns to take the time necessary to heal, so it can be said that there is no cure for sunburn. The options available help control symptoms so that the body takes time to heal and recover from these burns, and the tips and recommendations to follow to control sunburn come: [1] [2]

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight until burns are fully healed and disposed of.
  • Applying moisturizers in burn positions if burns do not cause pain, although these moisturizers do not stop skin peeling, but at least they provide moisture to lower layers of skin, and in talking about moisturizers we note that butter is not used in burn positions.
  • Avoid using soap of all kinds in burn positions, using it irritates the skin
  • Frequent shower with lukewarm water, this helps to relieve pain in case of feeling it. It is worth alerting to the importance of patting on the skin after completing the bath, so that the skin is dried with a little water left on it, then it is recommended to apply a moisturizer suitable for maintaining skin moisture, which helps to control skin dryness.
  • Drinking more water, because sunburn pulls water and liquids in general to the surface of the skin, reducing the amount of water coming to the rest of the body. Therefore, drinking more water protects against dehydration.
  • Give pimples a chance to heal, and do not touch or mess with these pimples. These pimples help heal the skin and protect it from infection. It should be noted that if pimples or bubbles appear on the skin, it means that a person suffers from second-degree sunburn
  • Wear clothes that cover the whole body in case of need to go outside the house (i.e. in case of exposure to the sun), and it is worth having these clothes tight do not allow sunlight to cross them
  • Avoid using vaseline on burned skin. [3] Avoid
  •  applying ice or cubes to burned skin. [3] Do not 
  • scratch or scratch burned skin, as well as try not to peel it in any way. [3]
  • Avoid using products that contain benzocaine or lidocaine; these treatments may cause an allergic reaction in some people and may make the burn worse.[4]

Medication Sunburn Treatment
Fact that the severity of sunburn does not appear immediately after suffering from it; It may take two days for the severity of the burns to become clear, several days to heal as we have said, as well as options to alleviate symptoms such as bloating, pain and discomfort.
 It should be noted that the tips already described are the first option used to control sunburn, but if these options fail or if the sunburn is too severe; Then it is used to describe pharmaceutical options, along with the importance of adhering to these
 recommendations. and [5] one of the primary drug options used for anti-steroidal inflammation, Such as ibuprofen and naproxen, where these medications relieve the pain and bloating accompanying sunburn, As
 well as its role in the fight against inflammation in general, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are sold in the form of creams or topical ointments, Knowing that these drugs do not need a prescription for
 dispensing and the importance of taking these treatments as soon as possible, Sunburn creams and gels, as well as hydrocortisone cream, may be used in some cases, It should be noted that there are some cases where

 more robust treatments are required. such as antibiotics or silver solvadiazine, and the latter need a prescription to dispense them. [6] [7] The recommended protection methods include: [4]

  • The use of sunscreen has a solar protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. These protectors protect against the sun's ultraviolet type A and B rays.
  • Ensure that an abundant amount of sunscreen is applied to cover all sun-exposed skin, and that instructions attached to the product are observed in terms of re-applying the condom; It might need to be reapplied every two hours.
  • Re-apply the sunscreen after swimming and when sweating.
  • Use sun-protective lip moisturizers.
  • Wear a hat with wide edges so that you cover the head well
Making sure to wear clothes that cover the entire body, it is generally recommended to choose light colored clothes for their ability to better reflect the sun's rays.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun during the hours when radiation is at its strongest, between 10 am and 4 pm.
  • Wear sunglasses that protect against UV rays.

Summary of Sunburn

Sunburn is the reaction that appears on the skin after exposure to ultraviolet light (English: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation) from direct sunlight or from UV light sources as when nailing skin (or changing skin tone to dark) in salons, and 

the fact that there may be no signs of burning from these UV rays during the first few hours, But it's soon at its worst stage in the first 24-36 hours of radiation exposure. and usually disappear or greatly improve in three to five days, Or maybe a week, where burns flake in the meantime and then shed, However, these rays can cause redness and warmth in affected areas And maybe pain, too, and these symptoms may persist for almost a week. 

[8] [9] It should be noted that repeated exposure to sunburn increases the chance of suffering from other skin problems, It also increases the likelihood of some diseases, including: Dry and creased skin, dark spots and skin cancer. [10]

8 Ways to Treat Sunburn at Home


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